Miso Connect

Miso data store setup in minutes

Setup the Matatika platform to deliver and process your data in Miso in minutes.

Automate Miso from a single space with no code

Miso is a platform for managing and automating restaurant operations.

Miso provides a suite of tools for restaurant owners and operators to streamline their operations, including inventory management, employee scheduling, and online ordering. The platform also offers data analytics and reporting to help restaurants make informed business decisions. Miso's goal is to help restaurants save time and money while improving the overall customer experience.


Template Folder

The folder where the templates for the API requests are stored.

API Server

The URL of the server hosting the Miso API.


The unique key used to authenticate and authorize access to the Miso API.

Async Mode

A setting that determines whether API requests are processed synchronously or asynchronously.

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Collect and process data from 100s of sources and tools with Miso.

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