REST API Connect

REST API data into your data warehouse in minutes

Collect REST API data into your data warehouse or ours. The Matatika pipelines will take care of the data collection and preparation for your analytics and BI tools.

Automate REST API from a single space with no code




The URL endpoint for the REST API.

Next Page Token Path

The JSON path to the token used to retrieve the next page of results.

Pagination Request Style

The style of pagination request to use (e.g. offset, cursor).

Pagination Response Style

The style of pagination response returned by the API (e.g. links, metadata).

Pagination Page Size

The number of records to retrieve per page.


The path to the endpoint for the desired resource.


The query parameters to include in the API request.


The headers to include in the API request.

Records Path

The JSON path to the array of records in the API response.

Primary Keys

The field(s) used as the primary key(s) for the data.

Replication Key

The field used to track changes in the data for incremental replication.

Except Keys

The field(s) to exclude from the data.

Num Inference Records

The number of records to use for inferring the schema of the data.


The list of streams to replicate data from.

Stream Maps

The mapping of source streams to destination tables.

Stream Map Config

The configuration for each stream map.

Flattening Enabled

Whether or not to flatten nested JSON data.

Flattening Max Depth

The maximum depth to flatten nested JSON data.

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REST API data you can trust

Extract, Transform, and Load REST API data into your data warehouse or ours.

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