Chromadb Connect

Chromadb data store setup in minutes

Setup the Matatika platform to deliver and process your data in Chromadb in minutes.

Automate Chromadb from a single space with no code

Chromadb is a software tool for managing and analyzing chromatography data.

Chromadb is a comprehensive software tool designed for managing and analyzing chromatography data. It allows users to easily store, search, and retrieve chromatography data, as well as perform advanced data analysis and visualization. With Chromadb, users can quickly identify trends, patterns, and anomalies in their data, and make informed decisions based on the insights gained. The software is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor it to their specific needs and workflows, and is compatible with a wide range of chromatography instruments and data formats. Overall, Chromadb is an essential tool for any laboratory that relies on chromatography for their research or analysis.


Collection Name

The name of the collection to connect to in the Chromadb API.

Database Directory

The directory where the database files are stored.

Document Text Property

The name of the property in the document that contains the text to be indexed.

Embeddings Property

The name of the property in the document that contains the precomputed embeddings.

Flattening Enabled

Whether or not to flatten nested objects in the document.

Flattening Max Depth

The maximum depth to which nested objects should be flattened.

Metadata Property

The name of the property in the document that contains metadata.

Stream Map Config

The configuration for the stream map.

Stream Maps

The list of stream maps to be used for indexing and querying.

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Collect and process data from 100s of sources and tools with Chromadb.

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