Matatika Community Edition

Published on February 20, 2023

We are delighted to announce the Matatika Community Edition – a FREE version of the Matatika Platform.  With this significant step, we are making automated and intelligent information even more accessible.  Distributed as a set of docker services, our Community Edition is designed for data teams to evaluate and develop with Matatika.  Hugely reducing the investment required to collect, combine, and share information.

“At Matatika, we noticed a recurring challenge in many companies.  Data teams don’t have an army of cloud engineers to build, integrate and host a plethora of services for self-service intelligence.  This was my motivation for the Matatika Community Edition – every analytics team should have the ability to bring together all their data and automate away the data drudgery.”

Aaron Phethean, Founder and CEO, Matatika

Here are just a few of the ways we are bringing advanced data capabilities to analytics-focused data teams –

Seamless Data Collection and Sharing

Our API-first approach enables seamless integration of data collection into your application or data warehouse.  Consented data exchange – collection and sharing – is managed by the Matatika Platform in single or multi-tenant use cases.

Learn more about managing workspaces and automated imports

Single Sign-On and Integrated Security

At Matatika we take data security incredibly seriously and recognise trust is of paramount importance for modern applications.  Our Community Edition allows application developers to configure a custom Auth0 identity provider and establish end-to-end identity and access management.

Learn more about configuring Auth0 identify providers

Cloud Scale Orchestration

Nowadays it is normal for businesses to have data captured in dozens of different data sources.  Adding customer data sources can quickly lead to thousands or tens of thousands of data imports each and every day.  The Matatika Community Edition is a scaled-down version of the same platform we use to run Matatika Cloud – more than capable of even the most demanding scenarios.

Learn more about the Matatika Cloud or Get in touch to speak with one of our team


Data-centric applications and services demand a high change velocity and stability.  A gnarly challenge for any organisation to manage.  The Matatika Platform uniquely manages change with a Lab for users and a source-controlled configuration repository – typically integrated with a git version control system.  This approach, coupled with advanced alerting and monitoring, enabled us to achieve less than 4 minutes of downtime in 2022.

Learn more about our DataML artifacts

Plugin Repository

Large organisations present some uniquely demanding challenges for data teams.  Business groups often own and publish their data to other parts of the business.  Done well this can be a huge accelerator as bottlenecks are removed, but managing this data with common components and infrastructure becomes the new challenge.  The Matatika Platform introduces a novel solution to this problem with its private plugin hub – which centralises the update and management of data apps and plugins, without centralising the implementation.

Get in touch to learn more

In days or weeks, your organisation can now build a data hub that is capable of servicing your customers with intelligence – a feat that would previously have taken months or years. What are you waiting for, get started with the Matatika Community Edition now!

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